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What are the Benefits of using a Radiotherapy Mask?

When it comes to cancer treatment, a radiotherapy mask is one of the most common methods. A radiation mask uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells. It can be used as the main treatment or as part of a combination treatment. Radiotherapy mask is usually given in short sessions, five days a week, for four to six weeks. 


Thermoplastic is a type of plastic that is melted and then injected into a mold to create different shapes. The thermoplastic is then cooled and solidified to create the desired object. This process can be repeated to create multiple copies of the same object. There are many different types of thermoplastic available, each with its own unique properties. Some thermoplastics are better suited for specific applications than others.


Nasal surgery is a common surgical procedure that is used to improve the appearance or function of the nose. There are a variety of different types of nasal surgery that can be performed, including rhinoplasty, septoplasty, and turbinectomy. Each type of nasal surgery has its own unique benefits and risks. Rhinoplasty is the most common type of nasal surgery and is used to improve the appearance of the nose.


A thermoplastic brace is a device that is used to support and immobilize a joint. It is made of a thermoplastic material that is heated and molded to the shape of the joint. A thermoplastic brace is often used after an injury to the joint to help protect it and to promote healing.


One of the challenges of radiotherapy is ensuring that the radiation reaches the cancer cells and not healthy tissue.

  • The Radiation Mask is made with a soft, elastic material which ensures a comfortable fit

  • The mask helps to keep the radiation therapy area cool and dry

  • The mask has an opening for the mouth and nose so that the patient can breathe easily

  • The mask is easy to clean and can be reused

  • The mask helps to protect the patient from radiation exposure

What's a radiotherapy mask? 

 For utmost types of radiotherapy mask to your brain, head, or neck area, you wear a mask during each treatment. This is occasionally also called earth, headshell, or cast. 


The mask is made to maintain your head and neck nevertheless and in precisely the proper function. This facilitates making your remedy as correct and powerful as possible. The mask fits tightly but shouldn't be uncomfortable. You can breathe typically while you're wearing it. 


We've further information about radiation masks for head and neck cancers. We also have further information about radiotherapy for brain excrescences including stereotactic radiotherapy for brain excrescences. 


Before the radiotherapy mask is made 

After your mask is made, it can only be acclimated slightly. So there are some effects you may be asked to do beforehand, to help make sure your mask fits well.


Dental work 

Before the radiotherapy mask is made, you may need to see a dentist to have your mouth and teeth checked. However, they may need to be removed or repaired, If some of your teeth are unhealthy. Dental paintings can alternate the form of your mouth and face slightly. So, it's important this is done before the mask is made.


Mouth bites 

Some people are given a mouth suck to wear inside their mouth during a thermoplastic mask. This holds your mouth and jaw in function, so the proper location is treated. This can also help reduce side goods. Your radiotherapy platoon will tell you if you need a mouth bite. However, you also need to wear it while your mask is made If you do.



You don't generally need to have your haircut before the mask is made. But when you have a beard, you must trim or shave it off. During your treatment, don't make big changes to your haircut or let your facial hair grow back. This can affect how well the mask fits. Wet paring can irritate the skin during the radiotherapy mask. Use an electric boychick if you need to shave. 



How a radiotherapy mask is made? 

A technician or radiographer generally makes the mask in the radiotherapy department. The process of making the mask can be different depending on the sanitarium, but it generally takes about 30 twinkles. You may need to take off some of your clothes and wear a sanitarium gown while it's being made. However, you need to take these out too, If you generally wear a toupee or headscarf. 


Masks are generally made using a type of mesh plastic. This is molded to fit the shape of your head and neck. Less frequently, wet cataplasm tapes are used to make an earth, which is also used to make a clear plastic (Perspex ®) mask. 


There are  varieties of radiotherapy mask

Mesh plastic mask – this is made using a type of plastic mesh that becomes soft when hotted in hot water (thermoplastic). 

Perspex ® mask – this is made using a clear plastic called Perspex ®.  


Making a mesh plastic mask 


Stage 1 

You lie on a settee, analogous to the one used for treatment. Your head rests on a plastic headrest. The technician or radiographer attempts to make you as snug as possible. They toast the plastic mesh and put it onto your face, so it gently molds to fit your head and neck exactly. 


This feels a bit like hot blarney. It'll not harm you and it cools down veritably snappily. The plastic mesh has lots of holes in it, so you can breathe fluently. The first print below shows the plastic mesh being placed onto a man’s face. The alternate print shows the mesh being gently moldered to his face and around the sides and top of his head. 


Stage 2 

You lie still for over 15 twinkles while the plastic mesh cools down and hardens. Plastic mesh cooling and hardening at the face.


Stage 3 

The mask is also taken off and is ready to be used. The first print below shows the mask being lifted off a man’s face. The alternate print shows the finished mask on the treatment settee. Finished plastic mesh crush being removed from the face. Finished plastic mesh mask on the treatment settee.


Making a Perspex ® mask 

A Perspex ® mask is made in two stages. First, the technician or radiographer makes cataplasm earth of your head and neck. Also, they use the earth to make the clear plastic (Perspex ®) mask for your treatment. 


To make the cataplasm earth, they spread a cool cream or gel on your face to cover your skin. They also give you a swimming cap or other covering to cover your hair from the cataplasm earth admixture. They also put wet strips of cataplasm of Paris girth on top. They leave holes around your nose and mouth, so you can breathe fluently. 


The Cataplasm of Paris gets warm as it sets. This is normal and doesn't harm your skin, but it may feel uncomfortable. It takes about 5 twinkles to set and also the earth is taken off. They also make a Perspex ® mask from the earth. 


Radiotherapy mask and treatment 

Once the mask is ready, your remedy may be planned. This can be instantly after the mask is made, or you can want to return back again for some other appointment. 


Treatment making plans make certain the radiotherapy is aimed exactly at cancer. You may need to take off some clothes and wear a sanitarium gown. However, you need to take these out too, If you generally wear a toupee or headscarf. 


The radiotherapy platoon helps you get into the same position as when your mask was made. The mask is gently placed over your face and fixed to the treatment settee, so your head and neck don't move. The mask should be tight but not uncomfortable. However, tell the staff so that they can try to acclimate it If it's uncomfortable. 


You may feel veritably nervous about wearing the mask or feel claustrophobic. You may want to bring some comforting music or a relaxation podcast to listen to during your travels. Most people manage well with the support of the radiotherapy team. However, let them know so they can help you If you're upset or uncomfortable. Your croaker can give you drugs to take ahead of your treatment to help you relax. But this isn't generally demanded. 


During treatment planning, the croaker or radiographer may make many essay marks on the mask. You may also have an endless marks made on your casket. This involves making a small scrape in the skin with a needle and some essay – the same way as a tattoo is made. However, let your radiographers know, If you're concerned about having endless marks. They can bandy other options with you. These marks make it less difficult to get you into the identical function on every occasion you are available for remedy. The treatment planning appointment generally takes 30 to 60 twinkles. You don't need to wear the mask the whole time. 


When you have the radiotherapy treatment, you lie in exactly the same position on a settee below a radiotherapy machine. The mask is gently placed over your head and neck and fixed to the settee. Treatment can take 10 to 30 twinkles and isn't painful. Again, the platoon can see, hear and talk to you and are close by if you need them at any time.

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